Caso Clinico De Anemia Por Deficiencia De Hierro Pdf

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var q casoclinicodeanemiapordeficienciadehierropdfCaso Clinico De Anemia Por Deficiencia De Hierro PdfIntroduccin. La OMS define la anemia como el descenso del nivel de hemoglobina dos desviaciones estndar por debajo de lo normal para la edad y el sexo 1. Prevencin, Diagnstico y Tratamiento de la Anemia por Deficiencia de Hierro en Nios y Adultos 3 FACTORES DE RIESGO Los grupos de riesgo que se deben tener en. Buenos das Mara, la vitamina B6 ayuda en los trastornos del sistema nervioso y quizs, por lo que me cuenta, ello sea el causante de esa falta de concentracin. Caso Clinico De Anemia Por Deficiencia De Hierro PdfCaso clnico. Aplasia adquirida de la serie roja por infeccin por parvovirus B19 en una adolescente con trasplante renal. Pure red cell aplasia caused by. REVISIONES. Deficiencia y sobrecarga de hierro implicaciones en el estado oxidativo y la salud cardiovascular. Iron deficiency and overload. Implications in. Captulo 8 Disfuncin Heptica Hans Andresen SI CONSIDERACIONES HISTOFISIOLGICASEl hgado constituye el 1. Debajo de la cubierta peritoneal el hgado cuenta una tnica fibroelstica Cpsula de Glisson asociada a un sistema conectivo de soporte del parnquima, que contribuye a dar forma al lobulillo heptico clsico sobre todo en el cerdo, y por el que discurre la red vascular arterial, venosa y linftica y el rbol biliar. Se considera al hgado como la glndula ms grande del cuerpo y cumple una gran cantidad de funciones metablicas y de defensa del organismo, cuyo parnquima hepatocitos representa el 7. Tratamiento. El tratamiento nutricional, el nico aceptado para la enfermedad celaca, comprende la eliminacin de por vida del trigo, la cebada y el centeno de la. 3 b Indice reticulocitario alto. Anemia hemoltica Autoinmune. Anemia hemoltica inducida por frmacos. Anemia falciforme. Anemia por defecto de. Todo el contenido de esta revista, excepto dnde est identificado, est bajo una Licencia Creative Commons. Caso Clinico De Anemia Por Deficiencia De Hierro PdfKupffer. Su peculiar organizacin circulatoria se caracteriza porque la arteria heptica aporta slo el 2. Organizacin y funcionamiento del hgado. Se han propuesto 3 modelos para comprender la organizacin y funcionamiento del hgado, que no deben entenderse como antagnicos sino complementarios. El lobulillo heptico clsico Kiernan 1. La sangre fluye de la periferia del lobulillo heptico hacia la vena central por los sinusoides, para finalmente desembocar en las venas hepticas. El lobulillo es hexagonal y est relacionado en sus esquinas con 3 espacios porta triada portal intercalados, por los cuales llegan al lobulillo las ramas sub terminales de la arteria heptica, cuya saturacin de oxgeno es de 9. La vena porta recoge los desechos metablicos del rea esplcnica y los nutrientes de absorcin del proceso digestivo. La bilis es secretada por los hepatocitos hacia la luz de los canalculos biliares estos desembocan en los colangiolos, canales de Hering, o conductos biliares primarios interlobulillares, los mismos que confluyen hacia los conductos biliares secundarios en el espacio porta triada portal los conductos biliares, al confluir, forman el rbol biliar que al final termina en el conducto heptico. Un segundo modelo de organizacin es el lobulillo portal, propuesto por Mall, que coloca al conducto biliar secundario de la trada portal al centro y 3 venas centrales en los vrtices. Este modelo destaca el carcter funcional secretor del hgado. Un tercer modelo lo constituye el acino heptico de Rappaport 1. En este modelo la parte central la constituye un eje interlobulillar entre 2 espacios porta y est conformado por las ramas terminales tanto de la arteria heptica como de vena porta, as como por el conducto biliar primario de Hering. Los extremos del acino se ubican en las 2 venas centrales contiguas, formando una estructura romboidal sin delimitacin precisa. El acino posee 3 zonas que se diferencian en varios aspectos la de mayor actividad metablica de los hepatocitos se sita alrededor del eje interlobulillar zona 1, seguida por una zona intermedia zona 2, para finalizar en la zona menos activa ubicada cerca de ambas venas centrales zona 3. La gradiente de actividad mittica y enzimtica de los hepatocitos est relacionada con la gradiente de aporte de oxgeno, glucosa y aminocidos. El grado de fenestracin de los sinusoides en mayor en la zona 1 que en las otras, lo que permite a los hepatocitos de la zona 1 una mejor captacin de molculas grandes. Lo mismo ocurre con la sntesis de sales biliares. La actividad catablica tambin sigue la misma gradiente, ya que la captacin de amoniaco y la sntesis de urea es mayor en las zonas 1 y 2. Elementos importantes de la organizacin funcional del hgado son los sinusoides y los espacios peri sinusales de Diss. Los espacios de Diss cumplen las funciones de un espacio intersticial que separa los sinusoides de los hepatocitos, que no poseen membrana basal. Los sinusoides estn formados por una capa de finas clulas endoteliales fenestradas, muy permeables, que permiten la formacin de linfa heptica rica en protenas en los espacios de Diss. Los sinusoides integran en sus paredes a las clulas de Kupffer, pertenecientes al sistema fagoctico mononuclear. La circulacin porta posee una caracterstica inusual que es importante resaltar la sangre recogida del rea gastro esplnica y la porcin terminal del colon se distribuye por la mitad izquierda del hgado, sin mezclarse con la sangre que proviene del intestino delgado y la porcin proximal del colon que se distribuye por la mitad derecha del hgado. Esta peculiaridad tiene importancia patolgico clnica, ya que permite relacionar la ubicacin de una lesin heptica con el posible origen de agentes txicos o infecciosos provenientes de distintos segmentos del tracto gastrointestinal. Funciones del hepatocito. Interviene en una serie de procesos anablicos y catablicos. Destacan los siguientes a Sntesis de sustancias necesarias para el funcionamiento del organismo Aminocidos y protenas Albmina Globulinas grupo de protenas que cumplen diversas funciones. Los principales sub grupos son las alfa, beta y gamma globulinas. Ejemplos las inmunoglobulinas son sintetizadas por los linfocitos B a partir de las fracciones beta y gamma las lipoprotenas son formadas en el hgado de fracciones alfa y beta las glicoproteinas de las fracciones alfa y gamma protenas encargadas de transportar algunos metales, como la ceruloplasmina de la fraccin alfa, la transferrina de la fraccin beta, y otras la haptoglobina alfa globulina el angiotensingeno alfa globulina. Factores de coagulacin fibringeno, protrombina, plasmingeno y otros. Enzimas. Entre las ms importantes tenemos o Aspartato aminotransferasa AST, SGOTo Alanino aminotransferasa ALT, SGPTo Sorbitol dehidrogenasa SDHo Ornitina carbamiltransferasa OCTo Glutamato dehidrogenasa GLDHo Gama glutamiltransferasa GGTo Fosfatasa alcalina APo ArginasaHormonas IGF insulin like growth factors, o somatomedinasAlgunos esteroides, lpidos y carbohidratos o Colesterol y cidos biliares stos son conjugados con aminocidos. Glucosa gluconeognesis, glucgeno. Procesos catablicos o de inactivacin Catabolismo de grasas liplisis y carbohidratos glucogenolisis catabolismo proteico proteolisis y sntesis de urea. Formacin de cuerpos cetnicos. Inactivacin de hormonas y de desechos metablicos. Ejemplos o Inactivacin de esteroides, insulina, hormona anti diurtica. Conjugacin de catabolitos intestinales, como fenol, cresol, indol, escatol. Captacin del complejo hemoglobina haptoglobina formado en el curso de hemlisis intravasculares, y metabolizacin de la hemoglobina. Captacin y conjugacin de la bilirrubina libre el 8. Los macrfagos del bazo, hgado y mdula sea eliminan de la circulacin eritrocitos viejos, anormales y aquellos marcados con antgenos u opsoninas y liberan hemoglobina hemlisis intracelular. El anillo hem ferroprotoporfirina de la hemoglobina liberada, es abierto por hem oxigenasa, con la formacin de biliverdina la reduccin de sta forma bilirrubina libre. El rin y el hgado tambin pueden convertir hem en bilirrubina ya que poseen hem oxigenasa. La bilirrubina libre indirecta se asocia a albmina srica y es transportada al hgado para ser conjugada con cidos glucurnico y diglucurnico bilirrubina directa, soluble. Cuando los niveles de bilirrubina conjugada son elevados, se forma bilirrubina delta, que es una bilirrubina monoconjugada unida a albmina de modo irreversible. Inactivacin de txicos y medicamentos. Produccin y secrecin de bilis. La bilis es un lquido alcalino que neutraliza el substrato digestivo proveniente del estmago.

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UltraISO by EZB Systems A powerful and easytouse utility to extract, create, edit, and convert CDDVD image files. It can directly edit ISO files, make images. Eboot files are used by the Sony PlayStation Portable PSP handheld video gaming system. Original PlayStation games may be copied to a computer as an ISO file and. Many operating systems do not limit filenames to one extension shorter than 4 characters, as was common with some operating systems that supported the File Allocation Table FAT file system. Examples of operating systems that do not impose this limit include Unix like systems, and Microsoft Windows. NT, 9. 5, 9. 8, and Me which have no three character limit on extensions for 3. Windows 9. 5 and Windows NT 3. FAT file system. Some filenames are given extensions longer than three characters. Some file formats may be listed twice or more. An example is the. Archive and compressededit. A cabinet. cab file is a library of compressed files stored as one file. Cabinet files are used to organize installation files that are copied to the users system. 1. Q files compressed by the SQ program. An Apple Disk Image is a disk image commonly used by the macOS operating system. When opened, an Apple disk image is mounted as a volume within the Finder. Zip compressed file. AAC Advanced Audio Codingace ACE compressed file. ALZ ALZip compressed file. Convert Wad To Iso FileConvert Wad To Iso FileConvert Wad To Iso FileAPK Applications installable on Android. AT3 Sonys UMD data compression. Backup. Earth. com data compression. ARC pre Zip data compression. ARJ ARJ compressed file. ASS also SAS a subtitles file created by Aegisub, a video typesetting application also a Halo game engine fileB B file Similar to. BA Scifer Archive. This is a list of file formats used by computers, organized by type. Filename extensions are usually noted in parentheses if they differ from the file format name or. Convert Wad To Iso FileScifer External Archive Typebig Special file compression format used by Electronic Arts to compress the data for many of EAs games. BIN compressed archive, can be read and used by CD ROMs and Java, extractable by 7 zip and WINRARbjsn Used to store The Escapists saves on Android. BKF. bkf Microsoft backup created by NTBackup. Skyscraper Simulator Buildingc. JEDMICS image files, a DOD systemcab Microsoft Cabinetcals JEDMICS image files, a DOD system. CLIPFLAIR. clipflair,. Clip. Flair Studio 1 component saved state file contains component options in XML, extraattached files and nested components state in child. CPT, SEA Compact Pro MacintoshDAA Closed format, Windows only compressed disk imagedeb Debian install package. DMG an Apple compressedencrypted format. DDZ a file which can only be used by the daydreamer engine created by fever dreamer, a program similar to RAGS, its mainly used to make somewhat short games. DPE Package of AVE documents made with Aquafadas digital publishing tools. Alzip Egg Edition compressed file. EGT. egt EGT Universal Document also used to create compressed cabinet files replaces. ECAB. ECAB,. ezip EGT Compressed Folder used in advanced systems to compress entire system folders, replaced by EGT Universal Document. ESS. ess EGT Smart. Sense File, detects files compressed using the EGT compression system. Flipchart file. Used in Promethean. Activ. Inspire Flipchart Software. GHO. gho,. ghs Norton Ghost. GIF. gif Graphics Interchange Formatg Compressed file. IPG. Format in which Apple Inc. Pod games. can be extracted through Winrarjar ZIP file with manifest for use with Java applications. LBR. Lawrence Lawrence Compiler Type file. LBR Library file. LQR LBR Library file compressed by the SQ program. LHA. lzh Lempel, Ziv, Huffmanl Compressed filelzolzma. LZX algorithmMBW. MBRWizard archive. Mc. META Mc. META Used in Minecraft Resource Packs. MPQ Archives. mpq Used by Blizzard games. BIN. bin Mac. Binary. NTH. nth Nokia Theme Used by Nokia. Series 4. 0 Cellphones. OSZ osu compressed beatmap archive. PAK Enhanced type of. ARC archive. PAR. Parchive. PAF. paf Portable Application File. PYK. pyk Compressed file. PK3. pk. 3 Quake 3 archive See note on DoomPK4. Doom archive Opens similarly to a zip archive. RAR. Rar Archive, for multiple file archive rar to. RAG, RAGS Game file, a game playable in the RAGS game engine, a free program which both allows people to create games, and play games, games created have the format RAG game fileRPM Red Hat packageinstaller for Fedora, RHEL, and similar systems. SEN Scifer Archive. Scifer Internal Archive Type. SIT. sitx Stuff. It MacintoshSKB Google Sketch. Up backup File. SZS Nintendo U8 archive. TAR group of files, packaged as one file. TGZ. tar. gz gzipped tar file. TB. tb Tabbery Virtual Desktop Tab file. TIB. tib Acronis True Image backup. UHA Ultra High Archive Compression. UUE. uue unified utility engine the generic and default format for all things UUe related. VIV Archive format used to compress data for several video games, including Need For Speed High Stakes. VOL video game data package. VSA Altiris Virtual Software Archive. WAX Wavexpress A ZIP alternative optimized for packages containing video, allowing multiple packaged files to be all or none delivered with near instantaneous unpacking via NTFS file system manipulation. Z Unixcompress filezoo based on LZWzip popular compression format. Physical recordable media archivingeditISO The generic format for most optical media, including CD ROM, DVD ROM, Blu ray Disc, HD DVD and UMD. NRG The proprietary optical media archive format used by Nero applications. IMG For archiving DOS formatted floppy disks, larger optical media, and hard disk drives. ADF Amiga Disk Format, for archiving Amiga floppy disks. ADZ The GZip compressed version of ADF. DMS Disk Masher System, a disk archiving system native to the Amiga. DSK For archiving floppy disks from a number of other platforms, including the ZX Spectrum and Amstrad CPC. D6. 4 An archive of a Commodore 6. SDI System Deployment Image, used for archiving and providing virtual disk functionality. MDS DAEMON tools native disc image format used for making images from optical CD ROM, DVD ROM, HD DVD or Blu ray Disc. It comes together with MDF file and can be mounted with DAEMON Tools. MDX New DAEMON Tools format that allows getting one MDX disc image file instead of two MDF and MDS. DMG Macintosh disk image filesMPEG 1 is found in a. DAT file on a video CD. CDI Disc. Juggler image file. CUE CDRWrite CUE image file. CIF Easy CD Creator. C2. D Roxio Win. On. CD. c. 2d format. DAA Power. ISO. B6. T Blind. Write 56 image file. Ceramics glaze recipeseditFile formats for software, databases, and websites used by potters and ceramic artists to manage glaze recipes, glaze chemistry, etc. Glaze. Chem text format 2Glaze. Master. tab xml Glaze. Master software345Hyper. Glaze. hgz Hyper. Glaze software 678Insight. Digital. Fire Insight software91. Insight. rcp deprecated, Digital. Fire Insight software1. Insight. rcx deprecated, Digital. Fire Insight software1. Matrix 1. 31. 4Computer aided DesigneditComputer aided is a prefix for several categories of tools e. Computer aided design CADeditComputer aided design CAD software assists engineers, architects and other design professionals in project design. DXML Dassault Systemes graphic representation. MF Microsoft 3. D Manufacturing Format2ACP VA Software VA Virtual Architecture CAD file. AMF Additive Manufacturing File Format. AEC Data. CAD drawing format3AR Ashlar Vellum Argon 3. D Modeling. ART Art. CAM model. ASC BRL CAD Geometry File old ASCII formatASM Solidedge Assembly, ProENGINEER Assembly. BIN, BIM Data Design System DDS CADBREP Open CASCADE 3. D model shapeC3.

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Manual Meat Grinder With Cookie Attachment

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var q manualmeatgrinderwithcookieattachmentManuals and free owners instruction pdf guides. Find the user manual and the help you need for the products you own at ManualsOnline. Buy quality stand mixers, hand mixers attachments. From value mixers for beginners to iconic KitchenAid stand mixers. All with 3 year guarantee free returns. Shop Target for kitchen dining you will love at great low prices. Free shipping on most orders and free sameday pickup in store. How to Make Flour Without a Grain Mill. I have a really hard time spending money on appliances that I dont need because a they serve one purposeb take up more room than I have availablec or cost A LOT of money. Thats why I dont own a yogurt maker.   Or a quesadilla maker.   Or a juicer. I use a heating pad to make yogurt.   My standard cast iron skillet for quesadillas.   And I have a super cool Blendtec that will pulverize anything I feed it, including an i. Manual Meat Grinder With Cookie AttachmentPhone. That Blendtec is actually the first thing on my list of things to grab if the house is on fire.   I use it every single day.   Sometimes twice a day. My lovely, red Kitchen Aid stand mixer a wedding gift is number two.   I use it at least once a week and really saves time in breads and desserts.   And its red, my favorite color. Now neither of these are must haves.   You can make high protein smoothies just fine with any standard blender which we used for a long time, without a lid mind you, before getting the Blendtec.   You can use a very simple hand held mixer, like what Walmart offers for 5 on Black Friday, cakes and cookies and your own two arms for bread dough. When it comes to grain, you need something a little stronger than a mortar and pestle so I poked around my kitchen to see what might work. Coffee Grinder. A coffee grinder is one of those must have appliances for die hard coffee drinkers. I mean, its seriously just better that way. It doesnt have to be fancy grinder.  This basic coffee grinder will work just fine. To get a finer grind, run the berries through two cycles on the coffee grinder. My coffee grinder has an auto timer and shuts off when the cycle is complete.   If yours does not shut off automatically, grind for 4. You will need to sift out a few larger pieces with a fine mesh sieve. But you are left with a fairly decent flour thats on the coarser side. Note  If your grinder is a bit aged like mine, you may notice it getting a bit warm during the process.   Apparently the grinder isnt designed for those who enjoy multiple pots of freshly ground coffee throughout the morning just take your time, letting it rest and cool as necessary.   If you know youll be needing the flour immediately, you may want to grind it a day or two ahead of time.   See tips below on proper storage. Food Processor. If you dont have a coffee grinder, you probably have a food processor. You may have even received one like this for your wedding or Christmas.  Dont let it collect dust any longer and put it to use grinding your grain for fresh bread When I tried mine, it worked similar to the coffee grinder. I had to run my berries in it twice to get the powdery grind needed for baking. My moms birthday is coming up and I have been thinking about what to get her. It would be great if I bought her something worth this birthday. Sales Offers Monthly Cookware, Kitchenware and Kitchen Electrical Special Offers From Harts Of Stur. All crossword clues in our system starting with the letter M. For sale listings of rare antique and collectable gun and military related items and books. There was a little bit leftover when sifted. High Powered Blender. Using my blender is my favorite solution to my no grain mill problem, especially since it can turn an Apple store into dust. As you read above, I use often use my blender multiple times per day. Blending protein smoothies is my favorite way to start the day. Manual Meat Grinder With Cookie AttachmentAnd I use it for my kids favorite snack, chocolate chip cookie dough hummus. Even tomato soup and pancakes can be made in a blender A blender like the Blendtec is quite an investment, but one I highly recommend considering its various uses. Grinding grain in a high powered blender works amazingly well. I sifted the flour after I was done to make sure it was all ground and barely got any bits leftover. It was by far the best grind I got out of any of these 3 methods. One thing to consider with these non mill methods of grinding. These machines arent designed for grinding hard grain. If you use any of these appliances for lots of other things, you might wear out your the blades quicker than desired. Once you determine if grinding your grain fresh works for you, I suggest saving up for a mill. We ended up getting this grain mill after a while. This will save your other appliances and also give you a better grind. Tips on Freshly Ground Flour. Bagging and shipping flour makes it settle before you find it at the grocery store.   Freshly ground flour is light and fluffy. Measurements of flour in most recipes are referring to settled flour.   You can prepare your flour in advance to account for this, or gently tap the measuring cups to settle the flour within the cup. Freshly ground flour contains all parts of the berry, including the fat.   Store any unused flour in a sealed container, in the freezer, for up to 3. Why Fresh Milled Flour You may be wondering why grinding your own grain is desirable when whole wheat flour is readily available at the stores. When you grind fresh flour, you retain the highest amount of nutrients available in the grains. The entire bran outer coating, that has a lot of the nutrients, remains with the flour. Now, I know whole wheat flour at the store is darker in color like the wheat you grind at home, but oftentimes companies will refine all their flour then add back in the bran to make it whole wheat. Similar to how they enrich all purpose flour. This defeats the purpose of the whole wheat flour being less refined and more nutritious. Dont get me wrong though, there is a time and place to buy pre ground flour Ive been in that boat as well before we could regularly grind our own grain. Soaking or making sourdough bread helps you regain some of the nutrients that turn dormant after grinding. Another reason grinding your own flour is better is because of the cost. It is much more cost effective to buy bulk grain and do the work yourself. Tropical Traditions and Palouse Brand have good prices on bulk grain. Also, check your area for a local coop. That is often the best way to get the most from your dollars. Do you grind your own flour Do you have a grain mill, or have you tried this method Leave your comments below Some Other Posts You Might Like.

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Cracking Popping Sound In Shoulder

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var q crackingpoppingsoundinshoulderCracking Popping Sound In ShoulderThe Great NeckBack Cracking Compilation With the Sound Fixed and Extended The sound has been fixed so its in sync. 4 minutes of neck cracking joyCracking Popping Sound In ShoulderHow to Stop Shoulder Pains. Shoulder pain is relatively common and has a variety of causes, ranging from a simple muscle pull to a dislocated joint. The reason why. Cracking Popping Sound In ShoulderShoulder Pain Herbs Supplements Home Remedies for Shoulder Pain. Shoulder pain is a common complaint of many people. There are a number of things that could be causing this horrible pain. Depending on the location of this pain and the severity, your options vary with regards to treatment and identifying the problem. Cracking Popping Sound In ShoulderHere are seven issues that may be causing your discomfort or pain. Shoulder separation This type of separation is also known as an AC acromioclavicular separation. The area between the shoulder and the collarbone contains a soft tissue ligament that may have been injured. Frozen shoulder This is a common situation for many people who experience shoulder pain. Also medically known as adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder is said to be one of the most painful of shoulder pains. Shoulder Dislocation Often confused with shoulder separation, shoulder dislocation is when injury or trauma occurs when your humerus which is located at your arm bone, disconnects with the socket of the scapula, or shoulder blade. Arthritis Although arthritis in the shoulder is not as common as in other areas of your body, it is just as serious, if not, more so. In some instances the replacement of the joint may be necessary. Tendonitis This is the inflammation of a tendon and the ligaments around it. Tendonitis usually affects the rotator cuff. Shoulder Instability This occurs when the area around the shoulder glenohumeral joint is not working by keeping the ball in its socket. Bursitis This occurs when a bursal sac becomes inflamed. The bursa is filled with fluid that lets motion between the bone of the shoulder and the solid tendon that passes over the bone. Symptoms. Shoulder separation usually begins with pain at the top of your shoulder and bruising or swelling may be apparent. You may also experience some tenderness between the collarbone and shoulder. The symptoms of frozen shoulder are undeniable. You arm and shoulder feels as though they are stuck, and you are unable to move them. You may also feel stiffness, experience limited mobility of the arm and shoulder, and also reaching up behind your back. A good indication to distinguish if you have a shoulder dislocation is if your arm is hanging slightly away from your body and your forearm turned outward, these is because the dislocation usually occurs in the front part of the shoulder. Arthritis. Arthritis, which is inflammation to your joints, may come with swelling and stiffness as with most shoulder pains. You may also feel the same pain and stiffness in your neck, as both areas become affected. The pain can be anything from feeling a burning sensation, to feeling stabbing pains. Identifying Tendonitis. There are several factors that you can use to identify tendonitis. One is pain that gets progressively worse as you use the motion of your arm. You will also notice swelling and tenderness, and the sound of what appears to be your shoulder cracking. Symptoms of shoulder instability may include the feeling as if your joint is loose in your shoulder, and numbness and weakness in your arm or shoulder. You may also feel as if your shoulder is popping in and out of the socket. Bursitis can be detected by many different factors Shoulder pain at night, particularly when lying on the shoulder that is affected. Stiffness after shoulder exercises. Pain, tenderness and swelling around the tendon. Weakness with raising your arm above your head. Risk Factors. There are many risk factors that are involved with shoulder pain. Usually athletes or people who are involved in strenuous physical activity often experience shoulder pain. This type of injury is very common among football players due to the fact that the shoulder is used often times to try and block an opponent. People who have constant competitive motion with the same arm over long periods of time are also susceptible to many of these shoulder issues, including factory or production workers. Posture may also have something to do with many painful disorders. It is believes that standing for long periods of time with your shoulders rounded may have more to do with shoulder pain than was first believed. Arthritis usually comes with age, this is due to the fact that cartilage becomes more fragile and unable to repair itself as quickly as it use to. Also people who are prone to joint infections are at risk for developing arthritis. There are two congenital conditions that may contribute to shoulder instability. Marfan syndrome Marfan syndrome is not a very common disorder. It creates an abnormality in the bodys connective tissue. This tissue holds the body together and many of the structures that keep your body moving. Ehlers Danlos syndrome Ehlers Danlos syndrome EDS is a connective tissue disorder. This condition causes patients to have loose joints. Prevention. There are many exercises that can be performed to help and strengthen the shoulder. These exercises are highly recommended to reduce or prevent any shoulder injuries. One of these exercises is the Pendulum swing this is very simple and can be done anywhere. You simply stand and lean over with arm dangling. Then begin swinging your arm in small circles and progressively enlarge the size of the circles. A good idea is to also stretch your rotator cuff. While sitting or standing you are going to want to bend your elbow at a 9. Move your hands slowly away from your body until you can feel your shoulder stretching, and hold each stretch for 2. Unlike many shoulder pains or injuries, tendonitis is a condition can be prevented by following a few easy steps Always stretch or warm up before sports or other vigorous physical activities. Do not over exert yourself during exercise, once you feel pain, STOPSit with proper posture and use proper ergonomics. As with tendonitis, you can also take steps toward preventing Bursitis with the correct conditioning. Prevention is the best treatment for this ailment. You are going to want to include upper body strength training and upper body flexibility training, this is crucial in preventing further injuries such to the shoulder. Tests Diagnostics. Most shoulder injuries can be detected by your doctor though x rays, CT scans or MRIs. The process is very simple. You will stand and have several photos taken of your shoulder and neck region and may have to hold or lift weights to detect the effected areas. Home Treatment Options. You are going to want to apply ice to your shoulder within 4. You can add heat after that time frame to speed up recovery time. You can alternate by applying the ice pack for 1. You are also going to want to keep your shoulder immobilized to prevent further damage to the affected area. Herbal Treatment Options. There are also herbal treatments that are said to provide relief to your sore shoulder as well. You can apply fresh crushed mint leaves to your shoulder where you are experiencing the pain. The mint acts as a coolant and is said to be a very efficient cure for shoulder pain. An herbal balm may also be applied to the area which usually provides relief within two or three days. Pharmaceutical Options. Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are excellent options that act as an anti inflammatory to help with the swelling of many injuries to the shoulder. Often supplements are used to rebuild your worn joints, lubricate stiff joints, and soothe swollen joints. For bursitis, inflammation can be treated with anti inflammatory medications such as Advil or Motrin.